Meet Hooch. He was first brought to us at the tender age of 5 months, and has spent his life as the object of a theoretical revolving door- where one side is adoption, and the other returning to BHS after several unsuccessful attempts at finding love. Although he has all of the attributes of a loving, sweet and fun dog, he is acclimated to his kennel due to the majority of his year and half long life being here.

Upon first meeting Hooch, he is a calm and obedient boy. Hooch will lean against the kennel door and offer his side for you to pet him. However, once the leash is secured and he is brought into the play yard, Hooch is now outside of his comfort zone. At first glance, this behavior is misunderstood as standoffish, but this is simply the conditioned behavior of a dog that has never had a consistent owner in his life. BHS is working hard to socialize Hooch, and is making great improvements each month, but it is best that he have a home and owner to call his own.
The ideal owner for this adorable yet misunderstood dog would be one where patience and training can be dedicated to him, and know that the transition will be over time and not immediate. All who meet Hooch take quite a shine to this sweet dog and feel he may also be a great working dog as well. He is a smart boy who is eager to please and would benefit from consistent mental stimulation. If you know anyone or an organization that could provide a future for Hooch, please contact us.
Written by John Robertson