Why did you get involved with volunteering at BHS?
I’ve always wanted to work with animals one way or another. And volunteering was an easy opportunity for me to work and learn about them! Also just helping out local shelters is very full filing for me and feels like I’m making a positive impact on the world. Even it’s small it’s important!
What is your favorite part of volunteering at BHS?
I definitely adore seeing the animals and interacting with them. Whether it be new ones or the old ones, I just love playing with them and getting cuddles! Even though I have to deal with their poop it’s part of working with animals.
Is there anything you have learned at BHS that you have carried into your personal experiences or shared with others?
I was debating with myself whether or not I was also a cat person. But ever since I’ve been volunteering with the cats at the shelter I’m definitely starting to lean more into cats… My family is flabbergasted.
Do you have any animals of your own?
Why yes! My beautiful but stinky Chihuahua Mix dog ‘Precious’! She’s about 14 years old, makes weird faces, loves eating treats, and rolling in random dog poop.