If Luna were brought to another shelter, she would have been euthanized. Only a month-old, Luna was born with a birth defect that would have prevented her from growing into a healthy, adoptable cat. If that wasn’t hardship enough for this sweet kitten, her knee was bent backwards and the foot missing. Only a raw, red little nub stuck out from Luna’s soft grey fur, likely caused by an animal attack. Your support saved Luna by allowing her to get proper medical care.

Luna required two surgeries to mend the birth defect and amputate her deformed limb. After surgery, Luna was lighter on her feet and quickly adapted to life on three legs. She chased toys and played with her siblings. Cuddled up in a volunteer’s lap, you could hear her purring from across the room.
Luna’s loving and playful personality captured attention more than her lack of four legs. It didn’t take long for her to find a home. Luna’s adopter, Taylor, was set on her even before realizing she was a tri-pod. She says, “I always end up finding the cats who have abnormalities or had a tough life, so I’m not surprised I was drawn to Luna.”

Your support enables animals like Luna to overcome their trauma and hardships. At other shelters, animals with disabilities or needing additional medical care are deemed costly or unadoptable. Without you, these animals wouldn’t find refuge at BHS, where every animal is given a chance. Luna is proof every animal can and should be saved!
To save more lives like Luna’s, please donate to the Dorothy N. Johnson Second Chance Fund. This restricted fund is used for treating diseases, preforming x-rays and surgeries, and providing additional medical care for animals that would otherwise be euthanized at other shelters.