Volunteering to work with animals is something that I have always had a passion for and have been a volunteer with several different organizations for over 15 years.
What is your favorite part of volunteering at BHS?
Seeing that the animals have been adopted. Although you can’t help falling in love with the animals and having your favorites, it is such a happy feeling to come back and see that the animals that you were working with have been adopted. I also love how the BHS facility is set up and the training that you provide to your volunteers. So many different things that you can do here and I am impressed at the high level of care that the animals receive while they are here.
Is there anything you have learned at BHS that you have carried into your personal experiences or shared with others?
When I see a special dog that I think will be a good fit for a particular person or family I love to share pictures and give a little background on them. I recently graduated to walk Level 2 Dogs and I was pretty excited to be able to do that!
Do you have any animals of your own?
Of course I do! (LOL) I own 2 horses, a 95 pound bundle of energy (Dog), 2 inside cats, 5 barn cats, and 5 chickens.