Why did you get involved with volunteering at BHS?
As a student in the Yuba College Vet Tech Program, I was required to complete a 120-hour internship over the spring semester. I ‘accidentally’ became involved with Butte Humane Society when my initial intern site decided to sell its practice. Fortunately, Butte Humane Society was kind enough to jump in at the last minute and take me on, and I am so happy they did!
What is your favorite part of volunteering at BHS?
Oh, Gosh! Everything! The clinic staff is one of the most loving, caring, patient, and funny people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Whether they’re caring for a shelter animal or a client’s pet, the level of care is fantastic. You won’t find a better veterinary team, from reception to management to staff and doctors.
Is there anything you have learned at BHS that you have carried into your personal experiences or shared with others?
I definitely learned that there are so many ways to care for animals. It’s not all shots and bloodwork. Sometimes, it’s something as small as giving them pets, and other times, it’s as big as being there for their owners. But the most important thing I learned and carry with me is to take my time, be in the moment, and be with that client or that patient, no matter the reason for care.
Do you have any animals of your own?
I do. I have a seven-year-old miniature pinscher and a deer chihuahua mix named Poppy. Though she may look like a dog, everything about her screams cat. I like to call her my un-dog. Does she play fetch? No. Does she like peanut butter? No. Can you bribe her with belly rubs? Absolutely not. She’s one of a kind.