Nicodemus came to us as a stray with old, badly healed injuries in his legs (possibly the result of abuse, our vet thought he had been shot by a BB gun) after he had been hit by a car. We asked out followers to donate money for his x-rays so we could figure out exactly where and what his injuries were so we could fix them. We determined that in addition to his earlier troubles, he also suffers from arthritis and will have to be on pain medication for the rest of his life. This complication, along with the fact that black cats have a hard time finding homes even when they are in perfect health, held this sweet boy back for several months as he came back and forth from his examinations, x-rays and treatments.
Despite this rough start in life, Nicodemus retained his strong spirit and zest for life, and when you opened the door to his cage you opened the door to his heart as he purred and purred and nuzzled your hands. Animals are amazing, aren’t they? Despite the many hurdles and abuse they can sometimes face, they have hearts as big as the sky and only want to love and be loved.
Now Nicodemus’s wait is over, and he’s off to his forever home with Sara. This happy resolution to Nicodemus’s story would not have been possible without your donations to our Second Chance Fund. We are so grateful to everyone who donated, and Nicodemus and Sara are too!