Guapo, an 8 year old pit bull mix, has had a couple rough breaks in life. He originally arrived at our shelter in 2008 as a transfer from another shelter that had found him running around as a stray. They were rapidly running out of space for stray dogs, so they sent him to us. “Guapo” is Spanish for “handsome”, and boy does this dog live up to it! Everyone he met was immediately struck by his sweet, easygoing temperament and he found a home in no time. Unfortunately for Guapo his situation once again took a turn for the worse in August when his owner had to give him up due to losing his home, and our brave boy is back with us in his senior years.

Guapo also has some special needs; he has lost a lot of weight mostly due to the fact that his tongue doesn’t function normally and needs to have his food/water bowls elevated along some help with eating. He is also positive for heartworm disease and will need to start treatment as soon as he settles into his foster home. But Guapo doesn’t let his medical issues get him down and is a happy fun loving dog who has won the heart of every person he’s met!
Your support of our organization has ensured that not only were we able to take Guapo back in, we were in a position to be able to treat his heartworms and accommodate his special needs. Your support has also allowed for the creation of a strong foster program, so that dogs like Guapo don’t have to stay in a stressful kennel environment while they recover from their illnesses. Thank you so much for your support, we count on it and hope you will continue to help us save the lives of homeless animals in our community.