Today (April 4) marks the beginning of the Qualifying Heat for the ASPCA $100K Challenge. Help us qualify by casting your vote for Butte Humane Society once a day, now through April 15, at It’s quick and easy – you do not need to register on the site, but you will need a valid email address in order to vote. Then be sure to spread the word to your friends so they can vote too!
Weaver, transferred in & adopted in 2009! Butte Humane Society, along with 90+ other shelters across the nation, are vying for 50 spots in the ASPCA $100K Challenge. With your votes, we can qualify and become contestants – and then it is up to us and the community to do our best in this year’s Challenge, to be held August 1 through October 31, 2011.
The goal of the Challenge is simple: save more lives. This will be judged by the percentage increase in the number of adoptions as compared to the same time period last year. If/when we make it into the Challenge, we will be working together with our regional partners and communities to encourage successful adoptions through a combination of outreach, education, marketing, and innovative matchmaking programs. ASPCA even offers grants to Challenge contestants for the development of adoption-centric programs, and we are very eager to further develop our ideas and programs, and to share this info with other agencies.
Our shelter experienced a tremendous amount of community support during the Million Dollar Shelter Makeover Contest in 2009, and during that time our adoption numbers were the highest they’ve ever been. In fact, so many people were adopting from BHS that we were able to save even more lives by bringing in adoptable animals that were scheduled for euthanasia at other shelters, and placing them into permanent loving homes. Though our primary focus is finding homes for all the animals currently housed in our shelter facilities and foster homes, we were thrilled to be able to help other shelters and rescue groups complete our shared goal of finding a home for every pet.
If Butte Humane Society wins a cash prize in the Challenge (ranging from $20,000 to $100,000) we will use the funds to further improve the

care, services and programs offered for our community’s homeless animals. This includes increasing the amount of low-cost spay and neuter surgeries we provide at our clinic; developing a new indoor kennel area for adoptable dogs; and providing on-site educational presentations for children of all ages.
Please join us in supporting Butte Humane Society during the Qualifying Heat of the ASPCA $100K Challenge – vote now at
If you are interested in further helping Butte Humane Society in this endeavor, please contact Heather Schoeppach, communication and events associate, at heatherschoeppach[at]
Thanks for your continued support – big hugs from your furry friends at the shelter!!