Written by Amber E., loving adopter
What a treat this puppy has been as an addition to our family. Ginger (previously named Faith) has been warmly welcomed into our home and our lifestyle. We are avid campers during the Spring – Fall. Now that Ginger has had all of her shots, and is registered with the City of Sacramento she has gained free reign of the wilderness with us. In fact, she was just practicing her kayaking and swimming skills up in Plumas National Forest at Little Grass Valley Reservoir. She has also already visited the Russian River and has a trip scheduled for Scott’s Flat Reservoir.
While home during the day Ginger has been lucky enough to be home with her new Daddy. Rich has been home for a couple months and that has made being available for her during the day really easy. She is beginning to spend a few hours home alone at a time throughout the week as she gets ready to have at least half a day at home alone pretty soon. She also enjoys car rides, trip to the local Brewery (Bike Dog), and walking the neighborhood with us. Ginger is such a good listener she makes it easy for us to introduce new social experiences to her.
We are so happy with how warm and lovey Ginger is too. She gets plenty of snuggles and all the attention she could ask for. Ginger is such a kind puppy. We really are lucky to have found her. Thank you Butte Humane Society, for pairing us with our sweet puppy. We love her so much.