Those of us who love animals want to be a hero to animals.

Sometimes thoughts of being a hero to animals can be elaborate— People may conjure up images of a fire truck racing through the streets to save a cat stuck in a tree, but being a hero to animals doesn’t have to be so dramatic. In fact, it can be quite simple.
On the last Tuesday of February The Humane Society of the United States holds Spay Day USA, a campaign meant to inspire people to save the lives of animals by spaying or neutering pets.
Spaying and neutering saves the lives of animals because it reduces the number of unwanted litters that can lead to an overpopulation of homeless animals, and that is how we can be a hero to animals.
Many myths surround spay and neuter procedures, all of which can be easily dispelled:
Myth: -“Female cats and dogs should have one litter for health reasons.”
Fact: There are actually medical benefits to having a female pet spayed before her first heat.
Myth-“Spaying or neutering can make a cat or dog fat, lazy, less productive or will change his or her personality.” “Neutering my dog will make him loose is manhood.”
Fact: Spaying or neutering your pets will make them calmer and more focused on you, and a healthy diet, in combination with plenty of exercise, will help keep your pet fit and active.
Myth-“Homes can always be found for puppies and kittens.”-
Fact: According to The Humane Society of the United States, in the U.S. an estimated six to eight million homeless animals enter shelters every year and only half of these animals are adopted while the other half are euthanized.
Myth: “Chico is a small town with a relatively small population, therefore pet overpopulation is not likely to be a problem here.”
Fact: – Butte Humane Society receives 49 animals for every 1,000 people, but the national average is lower, at 30 animals for every 1,000 people. One of the reasons for Chico’s overpopulation problem is that irresponsible or backyard breeders produce too many unwanted animals. The breeds produced can commonly be found in shelters.
Be Part of the Solution-
Spay or neuter your pets and educate fellow pet owners about its importance. Butte Humane Society’s Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic is a great place to have your pets spayed or neutered at an affordable cost.
BHS Spay and Neuter education presentations at Butte Humane Society’s Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic:
Date: Call The Butte Humane Society to set up a tour
Do you have a class, Boy or Girl Scout troop, youth group or other group of kids you would like to learn about responsible pet ownership? Butte Humane Society is offering tours of the Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic. If you are interested please contact Lori Wells at – We would love to have you!
Other resources for spay and neuter-
PAWS & Mangrove Veterinary Hospital Celebrates Spay Day 2011
Date: 2/26/2011
Time: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Send in an easy to fill out application that can be downloaded on the Paws of Chico website.
Minimum cost is $25 and space is limited. For more information call 530-895-2109
Monica Hitchcock, Public Relations Intern.